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EOT Blog

Making New Habits and Building Willpower- It’s Not Just for Dieting

Dr. Caren Baruch-Feldman | July 3, 2012 | 0 Comments

 As a psychologist, I am often struck by how both children and adults desire to change, but when faced with the obstacle they want to tackle, they fall back onto old habits. I recently read a number of books on willpower and habit formation* and realized that these books hold the key to making the […]

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Tiger Fun: Saving the World by Taking Camp Seriously

Dr. Christopher Thurber | February 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

    Beneath Amy Chua’s personal struggle in Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother lies a deeper ambivalence about learning: What on earth should we do with our children outside of school, during unstructured free time? Chua is at times conflicted but wryly proud of her intense, authoritarian solution, a luxury reserved for high-achieving, high-functioning […]

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Is Worry Good, Bad, or Something In Between?

Dr. Caren Baruch-Feldman | January 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

  The fact is, a little bit of worry is a good thing for children and adults — it motivates and helps children with performance. Also, in the case of a true emergency, some concern is biologically advantageous. However, when worry turns to anxiety, there is no longer an advantage. To the contrary, performance is […]

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