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EOT Blog

Bullying Redux

Dr. Christopher Thurber | May 21, 2015 | 4 Comments

Bullying receives a lot of press, especially schools adopt anti-bullying programs and states pass anti-bullying laws. Witnessing school shootings that were, in part, retaliation for relentless bullying may have increased our empathy toward both bullies and their targets, as well as our motivation to change. But tragic events, additions to curricula, and press coverage have […]

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Take the Pizza Test – There's Just No Limit to Kindness

Dr. Christopher Thurber | May 12, 2015 | 0 Comments

The tastiest mouthful of any pizza is the first bite of the first slice. You’re hungry. You’ve been anticipating that mouthwatering goodness for an hour or more. Your taste buds are eager and alive. All this perfect pre-pizza preparation transforms ordinary melted mozzarella and pedestrian pepperoni into a sumptuous symphony of gustatory glory. Ok, it’s […]

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Finding Beauty in an Ashtray

Dr. Christopher Thurber | May 6, 2015 | 2 Comments

“What is it?” asked my cabin leader, gently. We both eyed my clay creation as it emerged from the camp kiln, glazed and cooled. I was 12, so I hadn’t made a something; I’d made an anything. It had just been fun to pinch and push the clay for our hour-long arts and crafts period. […]

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Coaching Parents On Child Safety

Dr. Christopher Thurber | April 14, 2015 | 3 Comments

“Will my child be safe at camp?” Behold the question every parent ponders before and after the camp season. Fortunately, hiring protocols and staff training programs at most high quality camps prevent most people with ulterior or unsavory motives from ever becoming a part of your camp family. Criminal background checks have limitations, but federal […]

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Are You Ready To Take My Happiness Challenge?

Dr. Caren Baruch-Feldman | March 22, 2015 | 2 Comments

This blog was originally posted on Dr. Caren Baruch-Feldman’s website: http://drbaruchfeldman.com/are-you-ready-to-take-my-happiness-challenge/ It has been really hard to smile this winter with one cold, snowy day after the other. For the first time, I really thought that there may be some benefit to moving to a warmer climate. The weather and cold can really alter our […]

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