We’ve launched a new and improved system! Click here to switch to EOT 4.0.

This year’s brand-new topic updates and additions include of basic, intermediate, and advanced content to meet the needs of your new staff, returning staff, program staff, and supervisory staff.

  1. We Squashed it! - Relational Aggression

    Collaborative Problem Solving for High-Conflict Situations
    Scott Arizala

    We Squashed it! - Relational Aggression Kids expect that grown-ups will punish and lecture them after a conflict. But research with explosive children shows that the best solution involves a combination of empathy, exploring needs, and teaching skills in self-expression, hypothetical thinking, and emotion regulation. By focusing on wants and needs after interpersonal conflict (more characteristic of girls than boys) this module illustrates the best way to promote durable behavior change.

  2. Difficult Management Conversations, Part II

    Punch the Shark
    Scott Arizala

    Difficult Management Conversations, Part II Having mastered techniques of listening, stating facts, and clarifying expectations in Part I of this module series, you’re now ready to "Punch the Shark." In this advanced module, you’ll learn a combination of bold and subtle techniques for brief conversations that immediately improve staff behavior. Rather than worry about confrontation, get the skills you need to make confrontation your transformative friend.

  3. Providing Effective Feedback, Part II

    Using Appreciative Inquiry to Motivate Groups
    Dr. Chris Thurber

    Providing Effective Feedback, Part II We notice the negative without any training. But starting a meeting by balling out your staff will cause their motivation, creativity, optimism, and mood to tank. This cutting-edge module will teach you the Appreciative Inquiry approach to group management. Change is quick and durable when managers focus first on all that is going right in an organization and ask: "How do we get more of the good stuff?"
