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This year’s brand-new topic updates and additions include of basic, intermediate, and advanced content to meet the needs of your new staff, returning staff, program staff, and supervisory staff.

  1. Personality Synergy

    How Style Differences Can Boost Productivity
    David Conley

    Personality Synergy Personality differences are a tremendous asset to your summer youth program when you can leverage different world views, work habits, and communication methods. This absorbing module illustrates the Big Five personality types in action and offers real-world advice on the best ways to manage a dynamic team by helping diverse personalities complement one another.

  2. Awesome Archery, Part I

    Range Design and Safety Procedures
    Dr. Chris Thurber

    Awesome Archery, Part I Set your archery program up for success by upgrading the design of you range and the procedures you use to keep both participants and spectators out of harm’s way. From boundary markers to shooting commands, this module covers the most important elements of a professional archery program. Before you focus on expert shooting instruction, take the time to verify a safe set-up.

  3. Awesome Archery, Part II

    Step-by-Step Shooting Success
    Dr. Chris Thurber

    Awesome Archery, Part II Think you know everything about the world’s oldest and most popular target sport? Think again. This detailed video reveals ten frequently overlooked elements of accurate archery, such as relaxed bow grip, open stance, back muscle drawing, and aligned follow-through. Plus, the safety tips and coaching techniques make this module the perfect complement to any certification course.

  4. Shockingly Professional Talk, Part I

    Conversational Skills for Sensitive Issues
    Niambi Jaha-Echols

    Shockingly Professional Talk, Part I Young people are curious about everything, so they naturally pose challenging questions to youth leaders they trust. But knowing how to respond supportively and appropriately takes finesse. Hosts Jaha-Echols and Thurber offer elegant ways to respond to youngsters’ questions about sex, drugs, religion, politics, racism, and stereotypes with respect, calm, and an open mind.

  5. Shockingly Professional Talk, Part II

    Self-Reflection Skills for Sensitive Issues
    Niambi Jaha-Echols

    Shockingly Professional Talk, Part II Controversial, thoughtless, or inflammatory comments and questions can throw even the most talented youth leaders into a tailspin. In Part II of Sensitive Issues, Jaha-Echols and Thurber complete their discussion of conversational skills and offer three powerful self-reflection skills for staying calm, understanding personal triggers, and responding with respect and discretion.

  6. Achieving Supervisory Balance

    Priorities, Positivity, and Procrastination
    David Conley

    Achieving Supervisory Balance Even experienced supervisors struggle to set priorities, stay positive, and keep on top of their to-do list. This advanced module offers practical strategies for getting things done efficiently and effectively, without doing all the work yourself. Learn how to support your team, delegate tasks, prevent procrastination, maintain a positive attitude, and have enough time for yourself.
