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Each year, we add and update videos so there's always something fresh for you and your staff.

  1. 21st Century Skills at Work All Summer

    How to Frame Your Experience and Win the Job Search
    Sarah Kurtz McKinnon

    21st Century Skills at Work All Summer No responsibility is greater than caring for other people's children, but youth leaders often fail to communicate that effectively on résumés and in job interviews. Using the respected framework created by P-21, business guru Sarah Kurt McKinnon shares the most effective ways to notice and narrate the marketable skills that youth leaders acquire each season. This module's handout is our most popular!

  2. Look Before You Leap, Part I

    Avoiding Accidents through Rules and Observations
    Dr. Chris Thurber

    Look Before You Leap, Part I Here's a sobering fact: Accidents are the leading cause of death among adolescents and young adults. But Chris's seven principles of awareness can instantly reverse that trend. Sure, teens and young staff are more impulsive and less experienced than you'd like, but they can all learn mindful concepts that allow them to anticipate consequences before putting themselves or someone else in danger.

  3. Look Before You Leap, Part II

    Avoiding Accidents through Respect and Reflection
    Dr. Chris Thurber

    Look Before You Leap, Part II Learn more keys to creating a community where common sense is actually common. Part II of this ground-breaking module series describes load limits, future-focused thinking, and other best practices for staff to behave in ways that minimize risk and maximize healthy outcomes. There is no such thing as a perfectly safe youth program, but there are effective ways to prevent human error.

  4. Safe Touch & Safe Talk, Part II

    Preserving Professional Boundaries with Youth
    Dr. Chris Thurber & Jack Erler, Esq

    Safe Touch & Safe Talk, Part II The only risk management video that elucidates our universal human vulnerability to cross boundaries with young people. Guidelines for safe touch and safe talk (covered in Part I of this series) are only half of the child welfare and protection picture. Youth leaders must also look inward to recognize the unhealthy seeds of secrets, rule-bending, favoritism, over-sharing. A must-see sequel.

  5. Sexual Harassment Awareness, Part II

    Advanced Responsibilities and Recourse for Youth Leaders
    Jack Erler, Esq

    Sexual Harassment Awareness, Part II This advanced second chapter goes into depth about what constitutes sexual harassment, which behaviors are unwelcome by one's colleagues, key differences between harassment and assault, and what actions staff can take if they believe they have been harassed or assaulted. Attorney Erler also discusses the core features of healthy relationships and the best ways to create an inclusive community.

  6. Masterful Meetings for Day Camps

    Inclusion, Efficiency, and Clarity
    Steve Maguire

    Masterful Meetings for Day Camps Well-run meetings of any size can be productive, efficient, and pleasant. Poorly-run meetings can drag down staff moral and waste everyone's time. Get cracking with this clear explanation of sensible, professional, and user-friendly strategies that will transform chaos into order at your day camp. Gathering the brightest minds in your organization will henceforth be energizing and productive.

  7. Masterful Meetings for Overnight Camps

    Preparation, Timing, and Productivity
    Steve Maguire

    Masterful Meetings for Overnight Camps Well-run meetings of any size can be productive, efficient, and pleasant. Poorly-run meetings can drag down staff moral and waste everyone's time. Get cracking with this clear explanation of sensible, professional, and user-friendly strategies that will transform chaos into order at your overnight camp. Gathering the brightest minds in your organization will henceforth be energizing and productive.
