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Each year, we add and update videos so there's always something fresh for you and your staff.

  1. Day Camp Dynamics, Part I

    Drop Off, Parent Communication, and Pick-Up
    Dan Neal

    Day Camp Dynamics, Part I Experienced day camp director Dan Neal dives into the fundamentals of working at a day camp in this dynamic series. Part I showcases the logistics and opportunities of drop-offs and pick-ups. Beyond simple accountability, these transition times are opportunities for building relationships, clarifying misunderstandings and partnering with parents to maximize the benefits of camp.

  2. Day Camp Dynamics, Part II

    Off-Site Trips and Group Management Tips
    Dan Neal

    Day Camp Dynamics, Part II Once you've mastered the finer points of drop-offs and pick-ups in Part I of this series, it's time to pack up and leave camp! Part II illustrates advanced group management techniques with young children and the five best practices for safely transporting groups to and from an off-site location, such as the beach. A must-see for all dedicated day camp staff who organize field trips and excursions.

  3. Helping Kids Fit In

    Accelerating Social Awareness and Development
    Meg Clark

    Helping Kids Fit In One of the things young people like most about camp is the freedom to be themselves. In that spirit, most social blunders at camp get laughed off or politely ignored. But sometimes, a camper's behavior becomes an obstacle to forming lasting friendships. This module helps ensure that all campers get sensitive and effective coaching from staff.

  4. Staff Use of the Internet

    Promoting Online Leadership-by-Example
    Tim Huchton

    Staff Use of the Internet The Internet is public space. If you take your responsibilities as a youth development professional seriously, then your behavior in that space, like all your other public behavior, must set a sterling example for young people to follow. This provocative module provides practical guidelines that promote leadership and integrity. Now is the time to clean up your online presence.

  5. Wise Use of Time Off

    Camp is a Marathon not a Sprint
    Tim Huchton

    Wise Use of Time Off Whether you work at day or overnight camp, you'll need to spend your time off wisely so when you're on duty you're ready for anything. Working at camp takes energy and patience, but if you return to camp exhausted or hung-over, you're likely to burn out quickly. This candid module provides solid advice on managing stress and returning refreshed from time off.
