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Each year, we add and update videos so there's always something fresh for you and your staff.

  1. Becoming a Youth Development Professional, Part I

    Making the Transition from ME to KIDS
    Dan Weir

    Becoming a Youth Development Professional, Part I Day and overnight camps are powerful, positive developmental experiences for young people. Their growth hinges on the quality of their relationship with you, so it is essential that you begin considering yourself a youth development professional. This honest module explains how to transition from focusing on yourself to focusing on the needs of the children and adolescents you’ll serve.

  2. Cultivating Patience

    Creating a Calm Presence for Learning and Leadership
    Dan Weir

    Cultivating Patience Ever feel as if you're going to lose it because the kids aren't listening? We all have, at some point. Ironically, of all the essential leadership skills for youth development professionals, patience may be the most important and the most neglected. This remarkable module uses realistic pairs of bad and good examples to teach novel ways of fostering lasting patience. Never "lose it" again!

  3. Cultural Exchange Excellence

    Top Ten Tips for International Staff
    Jeff Daly

    Cultural Exchange Excellence Prevent homesickness, promote adjustment, and increase excellence with this insider's guide for foreign staff. Whether your cultural exchange participants are working on the waterfront, the fields, the kitchen, or the courts, they will love hearing Scott's hilarious take on The Look, The Accent, The Food, The Drink, The Tongue, The Glamour, The Pits, The Parents, The Sex (spoiler alert), and The End.

  4. Duty of Care, Part I

    The Concept of In Loco Parentis
    Dan Weir

    Duty of Care, Part I Think this is just a casual summer job? Think again. Your job as a youth leader includes the enormous responsibility to care for the participating children as if they were your own. You function in place of the parents, or in loco parentis. With startling clarity, this module highlights the responsibilities of all youth leaders and the grave consequences of neglecting that duty.

  5. Duty of Care, Part II

    Applied Strategies for Acting as In Loco Parentis
    Dan Weir

    Duty of Care, Part II In Part I of this module series, you learned how duty of care concepts applied to your job as a youth leader. Here in Part II, you’ll learn seven essential strategies to help you act in a reasonably prudent manner in your role as in loco parentis: self-assessment, participant assessment, equipment assessment, risk analysis, continuous evaluation, go/no-go, and procedure compliance.

  6. Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 1

    Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 1
    Isaac Mamaysky

    Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 1 To ensure the safety and well-being of all children under our care, it is imperative that every staff member is equipped with the knowledge and resources to prevent and report any incidents of child abuse. In this crucial video presentation, led by one of the camp world’s most respected attorneys Isaac Mamaysky, participants will gain comprehensive insights into the laws and protocols surrounding the prevention and reporting of child abuse. This meticulously curated module delves into identifying signs of abuse, appropriate intervention strategies, and the legal obligations of staff members.

  7. Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 2

    Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 2
    Isaac Mamaysky

    Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 2 In Part 2 of our comprehensive series on Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse, one of the camp world’s most respected attorneys Isaac Mamaysky delves even deeper into the critical subject matter. Building upon the foundational knowledge established in Part 1, this installment provides advanced insights and practical strategies for effectively addressing and responding to instances of child abuse.

  8. Sexual Harassment Awareness, Part I

    Identification and Prevention for Youth Leaders
    Isaac Mamaysky

    Sexual Harassment Awareness, Part I To reduce liability and create a safe culture at camp, employees must know their rights and responsibilities regarding sexual harassment. This carefully constructed module, hosted by one of the camp world’s most respected attorneys, reviews sexual harassment laws and the proper way to respond if you observe or experience any unwelcome sexual advances, touch, language, or requests for favors.
