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Each year, we add and update videos so there's always something fresh for you and your staff.

  1. Cracking Kids’ Secret Code

    Listening Sensitively to Forge Understanding
    Maggie Lewicki

    Cracking Kids’ Secret Code All young people speak two languages: There’s what they say… and then there’s what they mean. Can you hear the difference? Savvy youth leaders learn to listen carefully to the subtext of speech so they can respond with genuine empathy and build the relationships that increase compliance. Watch these examples and learn how to push your listening and leadership skills to an insightful new level.

  2. Preventing Gossip and Relational Aggression

    Toward Emotional Safety and Inclusiveness
    Dr. Joel Haber

    Preventing Gossip and Relational Aggression Some people assume that gossip, rumors, and other "mean girl" behavior is just part of growing up. The fact is, this kind of relational aggression can happen among girls and boys—even among male and female staff—and no one should passively accept it as normal. This module, hosted by an international expert on bullying, helps staff understand what relational aggression looks like and how to stop it.

  3. Confidentiality for Youth Professionals

    It's Not All Secret
    Dr. Sarah Levin Allen

    Confidentiality for Youth Professionals Camps encourage parents to disclose all private medical, mental health, and personal information that will help the camp staff and health care team work with each child. Yet few front-line staff understand the legal and ethical limits of confidentiality. This module clarifies exactly how to protect campers' privacy and take the necessary steps to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.

  4. Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 1

    Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 1
    Isaac Mamaysky

    Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 1 To ensure the safety and well-being of all children under our care, it is imperative that every staff member is equipped with the knowledge and resources to prevent and report any incidents of child abuse. In this crucial video presentation, led by one of the camp world’s most respected attorneys Isaac Mamaysky, participants will gain comprehensive insights into the laws and protocols surrounding the prevention and reporting of child abuse. This meticulously curated module delves into identifying signs of abuse, appropriate intervention strategies, and the legal obligations of staff members.

  5. Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 2

    Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 2
    Isaac Mamaysky

    Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse Part 2 In Part 2 of our comprehensive series on Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse, one of the camp world’s most respected attorneys Isaac Mamaysky delves even deeper into the critical subject matter. Building upon the foundational knowledge established in Part 1, this installment provides advanced insights and practical strategies for effectively addressing and responding to instances of child abuse.
