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Barbara Boukater

“When attending camp conferences we highlight the speakers who are a “must attend.” Dr. Chris Thurber is among a small, elite group who fits that category. Because we cannot bring our entire camp staff to a conference, I was thrilled to see that we could bring Chris’ teaching to camp! I am excited to offer Expert Online Training to my returning staff as well as to my new staff. Even though we could share many of these messages ourselves, having the pertinent education come from a new voice carries an even greater impact, particularly for returning staff.”

Barbara Boukater
Director of Pace Summer Programs

Allen McBride

“Leadership Essentials lets professionals who specialize in key areas of staff training be in an infinite number of places at once–at far less expense than having them all actually come to your site. And the features of the Director Dashboard, empower me to hold staff accountable for completing the modules, keep records of their successful completion, and document the training for insurance, licensing, and accreditation purposes.

The number of topics covered is already extensive – and will only grow as time goes on. When you evaluate your options for staff education and consider quality, effectiveness and cost, there’s no better choice out there than Leadership Essentials. We know summer camp is good for kids–and Leadership Essentials helps camps help kids.”

Allen McBride
Director, Camp Mac

Aaron Wells

“Dear Dr. Thurber, I am a new camp counselor at Camp Rockmont, and I have been watching your video modules as part of my pre-arrival training. I wanted to say thank you for your work and for all the details you placed in these videos. I think they really helped me figure out exactly the kind of counselor I want to be this summer! Keep up the good work.”

Aaron Wells
Camp Rockmont

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