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Jonathan Polster

“Hey Dr. Thurber! I was utterly impressed with Expert Online Training. I continued to show your videos and discuss your philosophies throughout the entire summer, and Iwitnessed first-hand the effect your work had upon our staff, especially with helping homesick children. On behalf of the entire staff at Camps Firebird and Roosevelt, thank you for all you share with the world.”

Jonathan Polster
Head Counselor, Camps Firebird & Roosevelt

Jennifer Wesling

“We were excited to share Chris’ expertise with our nearly 200 camp life staff. The videos from Leadership Essentials proved to be a powerful and critical componentof both Interlochen’s web-based pre-arrival training and our on-site pre-camp training. Feedback from our counseling staff was positive, describing the videos as “on target” and “a great supplement to staff discussions.” Using the Director Dashboard to manage and track specific content for our population was simple and effective. Chris and his team were helpful and gracious in all our interactions and we look forward to again using Leadership Essentials this summer.”

Jennifer Wesling
Dean of Students, Interlochen Arts Camp

Jennifer Deasy

“We started using Expert Online Training in 2009 and now we can’t go without it! The videos add variety to staff training, rather than having staff listen to me and John over and over again. We feel that the greatest strength of the Leadership Essentials modules is that they “back up” the Camp Director by offering a different voice of expert information. The videos also help our staff absorb the concepts and expectations of youth development professionals. Last summer, two of our staff ran over to me from the lodge, excited, “JD, we just talked with a camper and it went just like the Thurber video!!” That completely made my day!”

Jennifer Deasy
Assistant Director, YMCA Camp Coniston

Jason Sebell

“Chris, I have to tell you that I am so very impressed with Leadership Essentials. Every vignette was well crafted and well acted, and should speak to any serious camp counselor. Congratulations on taking staff training into the next century! We’re signing up!”

Jason Sebell
Camps Kenwood & Evergreen

Gwynn Powell

“Expert Online Training allows me as a university professor to be able to have students walk into the classroom prepared with knowledge from the well done videos. It allows them to put those ideas into actions right away. Administering with many students, there is a dashboard where I can assign different groups of students different videos based on their skill sets. It also allows you to create a customized learning opportunity based on their needs at the time that they need it. It is fantastic, it has made my life easier and it has helped me be a better professor.”

Gwynn Powell
Clemson PRTM Camp Courses

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