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EOT Blog

Wisdom Within: Creating A Home-Made Symposium – January's Flash Webinar

Mike Sladden | January 15, 2016

Take your staff training to new heights by tapping the expertise of alums and local professionals. This inspiring and practical flash webinar will review how one camp created a three-day pre-season symposium of Ted-X talks, workshops, and panels that accomplished three lofty goals:

1) Root the staff in the traditions of their century-old institution;

2) Prepare the staff to launch the organization into the next century; and

3) Endow the staff with advanced skills that they could begin applying on opening day. Best of all, a home-made symposium—or “chautauqua”—taps wisdom from within. You know the boys and girls who attend your program become remarkable men and women. Here’s how to bring them back in a positive, meaningful, enduring way.

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